
This is a very, very simple PHP5 framework.

How it works

A simplified walkthrough of the whole process might go like this:

  1. Apache receives a request for your site.
  2. Apache parses the .htaccess file in public.
  3. The .htaccess tells Apache if it's not an existing file or directory inside public, then send the requst to public/index.php.
  4. index.php includes the framework dispatcher.
  5. The framework dispatcher tries to boot the framework.
  6. The framework parses the url to figure out what page is requested.
  7. If the page does not exist, the framework throws an error, and sends a 404 back to the client.
  8. The framework tries to render the page and store it for the layout and if it fails, it throws an error.
  9. The framework then renders the layout, and sticks the rendered page where needed.
  10. Apache sends it all down to the client.